Kelayakan Buah Bit Sebagai Zat Pewarna Pada Hair Colloring


  • Sofia Daniati Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang.
  • Sa’adah Fiska Sari Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang



Beetroot, Dyes, Experiment, Hair Colloring


Beetroot is a flowering plant that comes from the west and south coast of Europe that produces an attractive red color and has a lot of useful content, so it is used as a natural dye. Researchers used beetroot as a dye on hair colloring. The goal of this researcher is to create the feasibility of beetroot as a dye on hair colloring. This research was conducted by experimental method and produced 3 products with different compositions, but beetroot remains the main base material. The results of the third experiment were then submitted to an expert validator using expert justgement method to test the feasibility of beetroot as a dye on hair colloring. Thus the results of the feasibility test found that hair colloring products on color and texture indicators with a score of 15.25 is called feasible, On aroma indicators with a score of 12 is called quite feasible, and On the product display indicator with a score of 10.75 is called less feasible. So in the conclusion of this study is texture can be added viscosity to be denser and for packaging can use packaging that has a high appeal. More research is needed to determine the expiration period and color resistance period in beetroot dyes.


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How to Cite

Sofia Daniati, & Sa’adah Fiska Sari. (2021). Kelayakan Buah Bit Sebagai Zat Pewarna Pada Hair Colloring. Garina, 13(2), 51–62.

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