Penggunaan Tehnik Cross-Stitch Tucks Sebagai Kombinasi Streetwear


  • Romdhona Chusna Tsani Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini
  • Naf’a millatuzzahro Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini



fabric manipulation, cross-stitch tucks, streetwear


Streetwear is a typical street fashion clothing. The cross-stitch tucks technique is a fabric manipulation technique that has a 3-dimensional wavy texture. The use of fabric manipulation techniques in today's clothing is rarely used, thus giving rise to the idea of making a cloth with a combination of fabric manipulation, a type of cross-stitch tucks that has its own uniqueness. The combination of the cross-stitch tucks technique as a combination on streetwear will add to the impression of flexibility because this technique has a 3-dimensional wave effect on the surface. The aim of this report was to find out how to use the cross-stitched tucks technique as a combination of streetwear. The method used was a qualitative method. The results obtained from the use of the cross-stitched tucks technique as a combination of streetwear are as follows, making designs, preparing tools and materials, sizes, basic patterns, breaking patterns, cutting materials, merging, sewing and the finished product. The manufacture of streetwear used fabric, namely cotton fabric, drill fabric and jeans as well as batik fabric. Suggestions in this study were: the success of the cross-stitch tucks technique lies in the pressing and suppression process because it has a very small size. The use of tools in the manufacture of cross-stitch tucks is needed so that the results are appropriate.


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How to Cite

Romdhona Chusna Tsani, & Naf’a millatuzzahro. (2022). Penggunaan Tehnik Cross-Stitch Tucks Sebagai Kombinasi Streetwear. Garina, 14(2), 60–73.