Rias Pengantin Bugis Berhijab


  • Yenny Sri Handayani Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini
  • Lidya Mardatila Program Studi Tata Rias Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang


Bugis Traditional Bride with Hijab modification


The background of the modification of the Bugis behijab bridal makeup innovation is due to the advancement of the times, now more and more bridal makeup is being modified, especially regional brides or traditional brides from an area who usually don't use hijab, are now modified using hijab. However, the modifications used are mostly modern-style hijabs, so the authenticity of the traditional makeup no longer stands out. The purpose of the Bugis Hijab bridal makeup innovation is to know the selection of tools, hijab materials, accessories that will be used in Bugis Hijab traditional bridal makeup and the hijab installation technique that uses sunggar but can still look strong for the authenticity of the makeup. The methods used include observation, interviews, experiments, documentation, and literature.The result of the modification of the Bugis Hijab Wedding Makeup modification is the Bugis traditional bride who uses a hijab from stockings that cover the hair, especially the sunggar, so that the appearance of the Bugis Traditional Bride remains like the original appearance of the real Bugis Traditional bride without changing the authenticity at all.This Bugis Hijab bridal makeup is modified in such a way as to maintain the authenticity of the makeup, in order to preserve the cultural diversity of each region, especially in regional wedding ceremonies and regional traditional bridal makeup. Providing opportunities for anyone who wants to learn about regional bridal makeup to preserve knowledge from generation to generation, and always maintain the authenticity of regional bridal makeup so that they are not influenced by outside culture and do not sink with the times.


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How to Cite

Yenny Sri Handayani, & Lidya Mardatila. (2021). Rias Pengantin Bugis Berhijab. Garina, 13(2), 39–50. Retrieved from https://journal.aksibukartini.ac.id/index.php/Garina/article/view/66