Formulation of Turmeric-Tamarind Jelly Using Psyllium Husk


  • Yosua Lucky Chandra Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang
  • Esteria Priyanti Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang



Turmeric-tamarind, Jelly Candy, Psyllium Husk


The objectives of this study were:  1) to determine the acceptance of color, aroma, texture, and taste of turmeric-tamarind jelly candy with the addition of psyllium husk; and 2) to identify the composition of the selected turmeric-tamarind jelly candy product. The research employed experimental methods, hedonic tests, and ranking tests. Three variants of psyllium husk were used: Product 1 with 1 g, Product 2 with 3 g, and Product 3 with 5 g of psyllium husk added.  Data obtained from sensory evaluations were descriptively analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2019. Results indicated that the turmeric-tamarind jelly candy with the addition of 1 g of psyllium husk was the most preferred and well-received product.   The composition of the selected jelly candy included 150 ml of turmeric-tamarind extract, 60 g of sugar, 60 g of glucose, 21 g of gelatin, and 1 g of psyllium husk.




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How to Cite

Yosua Lucky Chandra, & Esteria Priyanti. (2024). Formulation of Turmeric-Tamarind Jelly Using Psyllium Husk . An International Journal Tourism and Community Review, 1(2), 35–42.